Every firm requires marketing in order to attract customers, generate sales, and compete more effectively. However, many small business owners are unsure of how much money they should be spending. The reality is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution as a lot depends on the type of business you have, your business goals, and your revenue.
A marketing budget precisely displays how much money has been dedicated to marketing functions solely. The money invested must be in line with the marketing objectives or marketing projects that are being planned.
Paid advertising, market research, or hiring marketing professionals or contractors are all examples of this. Purchasing marketing equipment does not go towards the marketing budget. It is up to you if you want to spend your marketing budget on such things, but it leaves you with less money to spend on initiatives that will drive revenue and business growth.
You need to spend money to make money. The more you spend wisely, the more you should be able to reap. But the all-important question remains: how much should I spend?
There are general standards that are be bandied around, such as that any business should spend at least 5% of their gross revenue on marketing.
Marketing spend as a percentage of revenue varies, with most values falling between 6.5% and 8.5%.
Marketing should account for 7-8% of your gross sales, according to the US Small Business Administration. In 2021, you should spend half of your marketing budget on digital marketing channels. This ratio is expected to rise to 55% by the of 2021.
Image Source: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2016/10/26/marketing-budget
To be specific, when it comes to determining a marketing budget, you can consider the spending as below:
Having said that, Planium Pro team has compiled the following suggestions and thoughts for developing a marketing budget that is appropriate for your small business.
Your budget is heavily influenced by what you intend to achieve. Your requirements are distinct from those of other businesses and will evolve over time. You might want to:
These are all very different goals with very different prices. Even if you’re just starting out, every business requires a unified identity and a functional, professional website. Aside than that, your requirements are entirely unique.
For B2C enterprises, the number of marketing budget is frequently between 5% and 10%. This is due to the fact that B2C businesses often need to invest in more marketing channels in order to target various client categories. We believe that researching what’s usual in your sector and what your competitors are spending is an excellent method to cut down your goal budget.
Marketing, like every other business expense, has numerous components. It is advisable to spend a portion of your marketing budget to each of the following categories. You can change the quantity over time based on what works best.
Working through your marketing budget each by line will reveal what you can afford based on your priorities. Keep track of your expenses and analyse web statistics on a regular basis.
Examine your marketing budget on a quarterly and annual basis to check if your estimates match your actual spending. You will be able to develop more realistic budgets as time goes on if you analyse your marketing costs and refine your efforts.
You should also look at as much of your marketing spend history as possible. Is there anything that stands out? Did you see an increase in sales when you increased your marketing budget? How have your profits changed over time as a result of your marketing investments?
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re a startup or a well-established firm trying to expand, marketing will play a critical role in your success. But it doesn’t imply it has to be expensive.
You can find the most cost-effective strategy to adopt the most efficient adjustments by tackling your marketing needs strategically. When it comes to marketing, what you learn now can be applied for years to come, making the one-time financial expenditure a one-time expense for a long-term profit.